
Faster Streaming

To stream or not to stream?  Well, have you decided?  If the answer is 'yes', I want to stream, and if you have been streaming and using Wi-Fi to do it, like many of us have been, then maybe, after seeing just how 'well' basic streaming works, your next wish would be:

How Can I Stream Faster?

Unfortunately, this is truly not a one-word answer.  It will depend on a few factors, which we will attempt to break down for you:

Video Files to DVD

A computer DVD burner makes it easy to convert video files to dvd.

These files use a lot of memory - up to 10 gigabytes for every hour of your recorded data - so converting to a DVD disc can free up your hard drive space.

The computer or laptop must be equipped with a DVD burner to record videos to disc. Most computers with a burner will also have DVD software installed to manage the recording. With a supply of blank recordable DVDs, videos can be moved off the computer's hard drive and onto long-lasting media discs.

Items you will need: